Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome

How to Cure Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome

What is Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome?Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome

Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome also known as Anterior Knee Pain is a condition where pain is felt at the front of the knee.  The patellofemoral joint is between the knee cap (patellar) and thigh bone (femur).  The quads muscles, the big muscles at the front of your thigh use this joint as a pulley to stand you up from chairs, lift you up stairs and other quite strong activities.

You may think with all of this loading it would be a wear and tear type problem but that is not the case.

What causes Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome?

The cause of patellofemoral pain syndrome is either a minor bump of the front of the knee or something causing swelling of the knee, like a minor twist.  These factors switch off the muscle on the inside of the knee, vastus medialis obliqus.  This muscles role is to pull the knee cap in while the muscles on the outside of the leg act to pull the knee cap up and out.  If this muscle switches off pressure builds up behind the knee cap causing pain.  Alternatively this change in load can effect the tendon below the knee cap which then becomes inflamed.

The other cause of this problem is with growth, particularly the pelvis growing wider in teenage girls which changes the line of pull of the muscles.

What will cure my Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome

Appropriate exercises are key to recovery but first an assessment to check which exercises are best and if there are any other problems.  Sticking to exercises can be hard so here are some hints for sticking to exercises.  The longer this problem is left the longer recovery takes.  Not only do the muscles get progressively weaker but structures can tighten up holding the knee cap in its new poor position.  Also to alleviate pain people can adopt bad habits which weaken around the hip or worsen peoples balance reactions.

Get your knee pain sorted

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