“It’s a rotator cuff tear” When friends diagnose your shoulder problem!

Are you worried about a rotator cuff tear?

When you are told you have a rotator cuff tearrotator cuff tear

Rotator cuff tear has become a bit of a catch all for anyone diagnosing shoulder pain.  Whether it’s your Mum, your sports coach or your mate down the pub giving out this diagnosis there are a few key things which need to happen to diagnose this condition properly.  Even health care professionals often use rotator cuff tear as a catch all for shoulder pain.  If during your shoulder assessment your health care professional didn’t do movements of your shoulder they will not be able to tell if your rotator cuff is torn

What about scans?

Both MRI and ultrasound scans can see if you have a rotator cuff tear.  However, that isn’t sufficient to say if this is the cause of your symptoms.  It has been shown that baseball pitchers, who have amazing shoulder function, often have rotator cuff tears but no symptoms.

Talking about pain

Where it hurts, when it hurts and what activities can all point to this condition but these all have significant overlap with other conditions.  The neck can refer pain and mimic it, the joint between the collar bone and shoulder blade is in the same place to mention but 2

For evidenced based spinal treatment of your potential rotator cuff tear book in with Pure Physio Albany?

To book expert physio with Pure Physio click here. Or to sort an appointment which suits you give us a call on 09 4481277

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