Wrist and Shoulder Injuries in Gymnastics and Tumblers

Introduction to weight bearing wrist injuries

People who weight bear on their hands need a different approach to their arms than other groups. Wrist and Shoulder Injuries in Gymnastics and Tumblers need a very specific approach compared to those, like crossfitters and calisthenics, who do hand stands regularly. That said the approach I am about to outline below can be used for both groups but because of the speed gymnasts, cheerleaders and tumblers are going when they take weight through their arms they are both at more risk of injury and need to be more diligent with their exercises due to the high demands which will be placed on their wrists

Healing of wrist injuries

When we develop in the womb hands and feet are almost identical but clearly develop differently to fulfill their functions. The foot, although flexible, is a robust structure with broad load bearing joints and thick tough ligaments. Conversely the hand and wrist are focused on movement, in particular fine motor control.

This means the risk of injury is higher for those who put body weight through their hands. The nature of hands being relatively delicate means they are easy to injure. Hands do have a good blood supply and so can heal quite quickly.

Prevention of injury and return to competition

As well as hands having relatively slim tendons the muscles which move the hand are long and as because of that are not well positioned to control the wrist. I have seen clients try and strengthen wrist and hand muscles before and due to their natural position and function this is never really satisfactory and is really hard work.

What is needed is short thick chunky muscles, with a nice long lever and access to movement in all planes. These muscles are found surrounding the shoulder. Gradual strengthening of both the large muscles in particular deltoid and the smaller rotator cuff is needed.

More important than strengthening is proprioceptive training. Proprioception is our joint position sense which in our legs is a huge part of our balance and so makes sense that it is a key part of our rehab when weight bearing through the hands.

At Pure Physio we can teach exercises to improve these functions in the arm. If you wish to book to see us please call 09 4481277 or book online by clicking here.


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