How to cure Frozen shoulder

How to cure Frozen shoulder?

The problem with your frozen shoulder

frozen shoulder

Frozen shoulder, or adhesive capsulitis, is a commonly misdiagnosed condition. Often  inexperienced practitioners will diagnose the problem in anyone who has limited shoulder movement. This is not correct.

Adhesive capsulitis is a specific condition where’s the ligaments and shoulder capsule become too tight.  this condition has three phases known as painful, stiffor Frozen, resolving or thawing.  full conversion most patients are seen and is very tricky to treat.

Fortunately at Pure Physio Albany we have clinicians who have done specific  training overseas which allows effective treatment during this time. It is important to get a correct diagnosis early as I have seen  other physiotherapists treat this condition  ineffectively  for months and  assumed it was the adhesive capsulitis being slow to resolve where actually they were simply treating using ineffective treatments.


There is a very key pattern of stiffness in the shoulder which can be used to indicate whether the shoulder is truly frozen or whether there is something else going on.

It is also important to assess the muscles around the shoulder, the neck (which can mimic an adhesive capsulitis) and anything else which might contribute to this problem.  If nothing else this detailed assessment can be used to give you piece of mind and an accurate plan for the future.

Take action on your stiff, painful shoulder

If you are concerned about your shoulder call Pure Physio Albany 09 448 1277 or click here to book online. For more information on shoulders see this other blog post on what a physio means  by “the shoulder”

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