Experienced Physio in Albany

What you get from an Experienced Physio in Albany

Early career

experienced physio in albany

John studied at University of Hertfordshire.  He was fortunate that this program realised that Physio had become more and more academic.  This course knew the obvious Physiotherapy is a practical job.  It doesn’t matter how many grades a physio has it matters they can get their patients well again.  As such the Uni recruited brilliant clinicians to pass on their knowledge.

Early on John worked in a small hospital.  This gave him the maximum amount of time possible working in musculoskeletal medicine, where he knew he wanted to specialise.  This early focus allowed him to be the first physio in his year group to become a senior Physio.

Mid career

Travelling and locumming for a few years really helped get varied life, professional and educational experience.  Often as a locum you would not be invited to training but fortunately I wrote a load of education and would volunteer to do teaching in exchange for being able to attend training.  This gave me access to a massive range of training which 99% of physios don’t get.


I spent 4 years researching lumbar spine stiffness.  Unfortunately for academic reasons (what I was trying to prove is impossible to prove) I had to walk away from this.  However, it meant I had access to some of the best teaching on low back pain in the world.

Current situation

I then traveled to New Zealand and bought a clinic.  I have really enjoyed the clinical freedom this allows.  I have one objective: to get my clients to their health goals as efficiently as possible.

I am often asked why not just keep clients on for ages doing aimless therapy as is alleged of some other clinics.  Firstly the selfish reason is I would get bored and wouldn’t be able to sleep at night if I didn’t do my best. Secondly as a business owner I would much rather discharge a client to a healthy, happy life early and have them recommend their friends and relatives.

How do you see John?

Click here for the clinic contact information or here to book online

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