What do I do about my Corked thigh?

What is a Corked Thigh?

Corked thighs a also known as a dead leg, Charley horse and quads contusion.  A corked thigh is very common in contact sports as it is primarily . In simple terms, your thigh muscles are usually “kneed” by an opponent during a tackle or similar impact. You crush the muscle tissue against the underlying bone. The effect of the muscles causes significant bruising and bleeding, both intramuscularly and also between the muscle and your femur (thigh bone).

Because the bruising is deep and there is little visible colour change it is easy to underestimate ths problem.  A lack of treatment can cause the bruising to fibrose in the muscle and cause ongoing problems.

This problem can also be treated too aggressively by inexperienced physios.  This can cause bone to form in the muscle which is very painful.  This is called myositis ossificans. Fortunately Pure Physio Albany has experienced Physios to resolve this problem efficiently.

A Croked thigh can result in Two Types of Bruises

Bruising with the muscle

Bruising within the muscle is called an intramuscular contusion.  This is a tearing of the muscle within the sheath that surrounds it. The initial bleeding may stop within hours of the injury because of the pressure created within the tissue. Unfortunately the fluid is unable to escape the muscle sheath.

Because of the added pressure the muscle can lose function.  This reduced power and pain can take days or weeks to improve and allow normal function. You almost certainly won’t see any bruising come out with this type. Physiotherapy and carefully performed massage therapy assist a speedy recovery. These interventions are essential return function and prevent the blood from staying in the muscle.

Bruising outside the muscle

Bruising outside of the muscle is called an  intermuscular contusion is a tearing of the muscle and part of the sheath surrounding it. Initial bleeding tends to take longer to stop . However, recovery is often faster than intramuscular as the blood and fluids can flow away from the site of injury. You are more likely to see bruising come out with this one. These injuries respond very well to physiotherapy and massage.

What are the Symptoms of a Corked Thigh?

  • Pain after being struck hard in the leg.
  • You might get swelling or bruising, this may not happen for deep bruising.
  • Restricted movement and reduced power particularly of your knee as it stretches the thigh muscle.

What Can the Athlete Do?

Seek medical attention immediately. R.I.C.E. (Rest, Ice, Compress, Elevate.) Use crutches if possible. Commence physiotherapy as soon as possible.

Is it easy to get help from Pure Physio Albany?

Give us a call on 09 4481277 to sort an appointment or click here to book online we are located at Unit 4 Number 18, Airborne Road, Rosedale, Auckland 0632

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