Simple shoulder exercises that can be done at home

Simple shoulder exercises that can be done at home or with a physio 

Why do Simple Shoulder Exercises?

The shoulder has the biggest range of motion of any joint in the body.  This makes it more complicated in the way it works and important to do some simple shoulder exercises to maintain it.  It also makes it inherently unstable.  The 2 main reasons to exercise the shoulder is to increase, or maintain, it’s movement and to improve  the stability of the shouler.

When do I focus on movement or stability?

If you can do everything you want in your daily life, reaching for cupboards, hanging out washing, pulling clothes on, then may be you don’t need to increase the movement.  If you can’t stretching at home or booking to see our expert physio  would be a great idea.

Whether you lack function or mobility stability of your shoulder it is important to maintain shoulder function to prevent future problems.

How do I stretch my shoulder?

You need to use some every day items equipment to stretch your shoulder.  A golf club, broom handle or some other light, long pole would work well.  Space your hands apart and then use the lower hand to push the upper hand up out to the side or up in front.

This should be a comfortable stretch, not painful.  The trick is to ease in to the stretch rather than jerk or force it.  Patience is key and slow, steady progress

simple shoulder exercise 1


How do I increase the stability of my shoulder?

 The muscles which create stability in the shoulder are called the rotator cuff.  This isn’t a particularly imaginative name.  When the muscles are activated they produce a rotation motion and their tendons create a cuff around the shoulder.  We can use that knowledge to our advantage.


Stand with some stretchy rubber (available from sports stores or Pure Physio), known as Theraband, tied to something that isn’t going to move like a door handle, pole or railing.  This should be roughly level with your elbow. Lift your hand so the elbow is at right angles, grip the rubber and slowly pull so your forearm comes towards your tummy.  3 lots of 10, 2 or 3 times a day is a good place to make progress.

Next turn around and grip the band again.  This time twist the arm out to the side away from you.  Theses exercises should be a little channeling but not a huge effort.  The muscles we want to train are small stabilsing muscles not huge powerful ones.

How do we book in with Pure Physio Albany to fix shoulder pain?

To book expert physio with Pure Physio click here. Or to book an appointment give us a call on 09 4481277 to sort an appointment which suits you.

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