Why should you have good posture?

What are the benefits of having good posture?

While making our last video on preventing back pain through posture I was thinking about posture and realised it did not mention many other benefits of having this habit.

good posture

For example, as your low back extends it creates more space within your abdomen  This means that the stomach contents no longer squashes up into your diaphragm and lungs meaning if you need to take a deep breath it is much more effective and if you get a chest infection it will resolve more quickly.  This is because most of the lung tissue is at the bases and upright position allows air into this most effective part of the lungs and this will shift any secretions out of this area when you cough, if it is squashed by your posture these germs will tend to sit there for longer.

Also good posture for spinal health is a posture for good communication.  Your shoulders are back and open meaning you look more confident.  Your chin raises which allows you to make eye contact more easily.

As mentioned in the previous post an erect posture will engage your core muscles.  This will strengthen them- which protects your back at other times- and should also act to burn a few calories and firm up your stomach muscles while you watch TV, work or even while you read this!

There is also evidence that we mirror the behaviour of those around us.  So by having good posture your family, friends and peers will also tend to have a better spinal shape.  By looking after your spinal health you’ll be preventing low back pain in people important to you –  how good is that!!

I hope this was helpful and more importnatly motivational.  Like us on Facebook to get more information to help you lead a healthier life.  If you are concerned about your, or your childs, posture click here for an appointment.

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